
Sunday 22 September 2019

winter fun day!!

Hello bloggers, my name is Alex and today I am going to tell you all about winter fun day! All the year four's went skiing and all the year threes wents ice skating. I went ice skating but next year I'm going skiing because I'm going to be a year four! At the end of ice skating we had ice skating lessons! I was a really good ice skater because I have been ice skating for four years now! We were there for almost the whole day and it was really fun. At the end of ice skating some people went home straight away with their parents and some went home on the bus. I went on the bus back to school and then my mum came to pick me and my brother johnny up!

Monday 16 September 2019


Hello, my name is Alex and today I am going to tell you all about digi awards. For digi awards we had to design a game that could entertain kids at wet and rainy playtimes! Once we had finished making our game we  videoed an advert for our game and our teacher put them on youtube. We were in teams and in my team it was me Dylan and Nishka. We have finished our game and it is on youtube. We couldn't  copy a game that was already invented so we had to think of our own game. My groups game was called stairs and slides ( it is a bit like snakes and ladders )
                                                                                please watch my groups game. Have you designed your own game?

Thursday 12 September 2019

My cup art

Hi, my name is Alex and today I am going to tell you all about my cup I sketched!  I made it with my teacher Miss Munro. First we had to make a curved line and then we had to draw a line underneath the curved line attach it to the curve. Then we had to draw two little dots at the bottom of the piece of paper and draw two lines from the curved line to the little dots, after that we had to draw a line under  the little dots.💕  To do the handle we had to do a big curve and then a  curved line down the bottom ( it's kind of like the BFG's ear ) then after, I did that I had to turn it so that the handle so it was facing up and we had to colour in down the bottom really dark. On the top we had to draw really lightly to get different shades. 

Have you drawn a cup like this below? 

Below is my drawing.

Please leave me a comment.

Thursday 5 September 2019

When I went skiing at mount lyford!

Hello, my name is Alex and today a I am going to tell you all about when I went skiing at Mount Lyford. To start of with there isn't a chairlift there but there are two pommers. One pommer is really steep when you go up it and it is like a chairlift because you go up really high and the slope you go down is really steep!  I went on a T bar with my mum and the slope you go down on the T bar meets up to the slope that the big pommer goes on and  you get to go on the big pommer slope again. 😍